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January 06, 2006


So - I've made my New Year's Resolutions. Now, I know that doing so is basically like shooting myself in the foot (especially since one of them is "keep desk clean") but I'm going to try to hang with it for a while here. Maybe writing about it will strengthen my resolve...

So one of my resolutions is to market myself (as an illustrator, not, like, a streetwalker) more consistently. I've only ever really sent out one official promo postcard, and visited some people with my portfolio once. Every time I've tried, I've gotten a job, but basically that just means I haven't tried very often. So the plan is that I will produce one postcard every day and send it out as a promo card to an "elite" list of potential clients. This will keep my fingers in the inkwell and hopefully make some little chime of recognition on the other end, just because they will be originals (NOBODY sends originals). So, I've drawn and scanned round one/week one, but I have to color them in and send them out yet. And draw round two, before next week. I'm already starting out behind! There's nothing like a New Year's Resolution to make you frantic and anxious for all of January and February (when you give up, and decide to try again next year).

Posted by ribbu at January 6, 2006 09:22 AM