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January 03, 2007


Just came up with Resolution #7, after downing two fistfuls of gummy bears in a fit of late afternoon doldrums: No more sugar. No more candy, chocolate, pie, cookies, ice cream.

HA! That one's a joke too. I'll feel better about those gummy bears sitting in there after I have some sugar-frosted "yogurt-burst" cheerios. Sugar loves company. And, didn't I just say that 5 resolutions is more than enough?

Posted by ribbu at January 3, 2007 02:46 PM


I've been a bit averse to gummy bears ever since we consumed that entire five pound bag back in the day. Somewhere I still have that picture of us with half-eaten bears stuck to our faces. On the other hand, I could eat Swedish Fish all day. The red ones of course, not the multicolored ones. Surely you've tried those?

Posted by: Cathy at January 3, 2007 11:45 PM

Are you saying the yogurt blast cheerios are not entirely wholesome?
I hope you are happy - you made me cry.

Posted by: ming at January 4, 2007 12:32 AM

Gummibaerchen!! Das ist ueberhaupt eine gute Idee! Jetzt, wo ich so voll bin mit Schokolade mit Weihnachtsgeschmack und Tonnen von Keksen (auch Weihnachtsgeschmack!), sollte ich einfach auf Gummibaerchen umsteigen, um meine daily sugar-Ration zu bekommen...
Und, hey, Robbi, ich finde Euer Buch super, habe es in Eppelsheim gesehen und will ein Abo. Unbedingt. Wie bekomme ich das? Und wie kann ich Euch Geld dafuer schicken? Euros wollt Ihr sicher nicht, oder? Care-Pakete sind sicher auch nicht das Richtige, also wie krieg ich die Dollars auf Euer Konto? Ich finde das mal raus.
Cool barn! (Sag es wie damals Roji: "Look at taht guy's hotdog!")

Posted by: Nina at January 6, 2007 05:15 PM