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January 25, 2008

My Dog and George Washington

Somebody asked me the other day if we still had a dog. He was wondering because it seems I haven't been blogging enough recently about Iggy. He seemed to think that this would be less an indication that my dog has become dull and boring and unnoteworthy, and more an indication that we had some sort of falling out and exchanged her for something more exciting, like a real live baby. I think this is an obvious case of projection, since he has a crazy prozac-dog that he would gladly exchange for a crazy prozac-baby.

Anyway. I thought I'd check in and see what Iggy was up to all this time that I have been ignoring her, and it turns out she's decided to get a new look. I did a bit of a double take when I finally got around to looking in her direction (poor, neglected dog) - her decision to brighten her smile was not subtle, and I have to say I'm surprised I hadn't noticed the change earlier.

Given her kibbley budget, she had to opt for the most basic chompers - GW-style. I mean check these things out:

If that's not a desperate cry for attention, I don't know what is. Suffice it to say, I will be trying to pay more attention to her in the future (for fear that she might go in for more cosmetic surgery). Maybe I'll feed her every now and then, and sometimes let her go outside. Though, now that she's got her new teeth, it's going to be even harder to beat back the boys. Before, it was her (apparently) remarkably aromatic little butt, now it will be her dazzling smile. Or both, I guess.

Posted by ribbu at January 25, 2008 02:28 PM


You should show this to Iggy so she can practice: click.

Posted by: Marigold at January 25, 2008 04:39 PM